Sunday, 6 November 2011

Turn up the heat!

Nothing beats the deep, generous flame of a see-through 
fireplace if you have a big space and want to maintain an 
airy feeling. The enclosing stonework provides texture and
contrasting colour.
Oh baby it's cold outside! Well, not so much this weekend. But colder days are definitely approaching, and more than ever we want our homes to feel warm, inviting and attractive. The solution? A strategically located fireplace! Not only does it provide heat, it also functions as a focal point and light source that will energize the most tired of rooms. That was exactly what happened in my own living room. It felt and looked cold. Something was missing. It wasn't until we installed our contemporary pellet stove that we started to spend time in this room, and today it's our favourite hang-out spot. (Knowing that the stove saves us over $1,000 per year in fuel costs also helps!). So look around your home and see where you can introduce an element of fire. There are so many alternatives today; ventless gel fireplaces, electric, gas... Or for an easier solution: group several candles on a beautiful tray and let the light and warmth fill the room. Snuggle up!


  1. Plase post some more tips on different konds of fireplaces. We desperately need your advide.

  2. I find creating a focal point in a room is extremely hard.
    Could you explain the basic idea behind the concept?

  3. Hi Anonymous and Anonymous! Thanks for these comments. I'll check out some local fireplaces and will write about them in a future blog. As to focal points, there is an old posting covering the principles - see "focal points" in the list of categories. There will be more about focal points very soon!

  4. Thank you!
    Looking forward to comming blog posts.
    (couldn't shoose just writing my name in the preset form below)


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